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Nós nos concentramos nos defensivos agrícolas e especialidades para diversos setores do mercado, incluindo agricultura e plantas ornamentais, controle profissional de pragas, pesticidas de consumo, controle de vegetação agrícola / veterinária, e outros.

Nossos estudos de mercado são ideais para fabricantes, comerciantes, varejistas e fornecedores que buscam uma compreensão mais profunda da sua indústria. Também são fundamentais para quem está procurando saber mais sobre nuances, tendências, previsões e insights inteligentes que não são encontrados em nenhum outro lugar.

Estudos e relatórios de mercado cobrindo produtos, canais e empresas dos setores agronegócios.

Relatórios formatados com análises e tabelas didaticamente estruturadas para apoio a processos de decisão nas áreas de marketing e planejamento estratégico e fusões, aquisições e desinvestimentos.

Análises detalhadas e em profundidade, em volumes e valor, por categorias de produtos; canais de distribuição; marcas; empresas.

Exclusividade Factor-Kline - análise de gaining/losing share: ferramenta de monitoramento de participação de mercado por categoria de produto e canal de distribuição.

Cenários e projeções de crescimento. Relatórios 100% baseados em fontes primárias (entrevistas pessoais e telefônicas) com participantes atuantes nos mercados.

Relatórios em PDF; em inglês ou português; 50-200 páginas.

Realátórios América do Sul

Specialty Pesticides

Crop Protection Manufacturers Report: A Strategic Market Analysis of the Brazilian Crop Protection Industry

South America

Kline & Company welcomes you to our first annual report covering the marketing year for manufacturers in the Brazilian crop protection industry. Highlights of the 2012/2013 Manufacturers Report include: Summary Company Highlights Lead…
Global Biopesticides: An Overview of Natural and Microbial Pesticides

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This report will provide descriptions of the companies involved in biopesticides, the products and uses these companies have developed, the approximate market sizes by end-use crop and non-crop, plus an outlook for future technologies and products…
Global Fly Control Pesticides in Production Animal Health: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Asia-Pacific

A comprehensive analysis of the global market for fly control pesticides focusing on fly control in animal health, including poultry, pork, beef, egg, and dairy processing. The focus of this report will be looking at key trends, developments…
Global Mites and Piercing-Sucking Insects: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

A comprehensive analysis of infestations, treatment methods, and chemicals used to treat piercing-sucking pests on major field and specialty crops focusing on key trends, developments, changes, challenges, and business opportunities, and addressing…
Global Rodent Control: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This analysis provides suppliers of rodenticides and traps with the latest information on market size and product usage for these products in five end-use segments in 20 countries. End-use segment breakdowns are as follows: Crops in the…
Global Seed Treatment: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

A comprehensive analysis designed to provide crop protection suppliers with the latest information on the size, structure, and outlook for the seed treatment pesticide market in major country/crop markets across the globe. This report: …
Mosquito Control Markets: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This analysis will provide professional mosquito control/disease vector pesticide suppliers and formulators with the latest information on product usage for the pest management market with the breakdowns for the following pests: Product type…
Nematicide Market: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This analysis provides crop protection suppliers with the latest information on the size, structure, and outlook for the nematode treatment market in the major country/crop markets of the world…
Stored Grain Insect Control: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This report will provide subscribers with a complete look at the global stored grain insect control market for the 2014 calendar year. Separate report sections will be included for on-farm and off-farm insect treatments, export grain treatments, and…

Pro Turf and Ornamentals

Global Professional Turf and Ornamental Markets for Pesticides and Fertilizers: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This analysis will provide professional turf and ornamental pesticide and fertilizer suppliers and formulators with the latest information on product usage in the following key markets: U.S. Report – Golf courses – Lawn care…

Professional Pest Control

Professional Pest Management Markets for Pesticides: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This report will provide subscribers with a complete look at the global professional pest management market for pesticides for the 2014 calendar year. Separate pest reports will be included for termites, ants, fleas, cockroaches, bed bugs, rodents…

Consumer Pesticides

Consumer Markets for Pesticides and Fertilizers: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

This report will provide subscribers with a complete look at the global consumer pesticides market for the 2014 calendar year. The study is laid out in two parts: Industry Analysis and Supplier Profiles. The Industry Analysis will include a summary…

Vegetation Management

Global Industrial Vegetation Management of Pesticides and Fertilizers: Market Analysis and Opportunities

North America, South America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific

A comprehensive analysis examining global industrial vegetation management, including the invasive weed market for pesticides and fertilizers, focusing on key trends, developments, changes, challenges, and business opportunities, and addressing such…

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